Surprise! Green Day has fans!

Posted on | January 7, 2010 | Comments Off on Surprise! Green Day has fans!

Rolling Stone’s “Decade-End Reader’s Poll” has GREEN DAY as the “Top Artist of the Decade”.

Stop cutting your wrists. Stop punching that baby. And the OTHER ONE.

I’m mad too. But these things happen when you poll readers, whose loyalties are easily exploited for profit, particularly the younger ones. It’s not all that meaningful. I mean, they have an Avril Lavigne album as #4 for the decade.

Put down the gun. Stop hitting your mother. It is a READER’S POLL, for fuck’s sake. 30-year-olds with jobs and a conscience don’t take this poll, 15-year-olds with nothing but free time and disposable income do. So relax, it’s not that big a deal, and nobody’s claiming it’s even as fair as a Florida election.

It’s still surprising, though, when you consider that a LOT of people voted in this, and unless some programmer designed a bot to vote automatically, this means that a LOT of people still like Green Day. I didn’t know that.

I saw Green Day in concert once. It was in 1994, right after Dookie came out. I was 15. It was the second concert I’d ever been to (the first was Soundgarden). It was a great show, and the first place I ever smelled pot. But it makes me wonder, wouldn’t Green Day be more appropriate on a list for LAST decade?

So let’s just all do our collective “Huh!” and get back to the real world where Green Day is shitty.


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